AUP Summer Internships 02-21


From: BC-SUP

Subj: ALAUP #02/21 - Summer Internships

1. Applications for summer internships are currently being accepted.

2. Guidance: Interested students must read and understand the “Guidance for Student Interns” (pages 7-12) section in the AUP Internship Guide prior to applying.  

3. COVID-19 Considerations: Students should be aware that although Auxiliary operations are authorized in the current COVID-19 environment, many units may be hesitant to accept students – the local command retains discretion in this matter. In all situations, Internship staff will do their best to match students with a unit that meets their interests. Occasionally, virtual internships may also be offered. Finally, students will be prepared to follow all COVID-19 protocol in place, including mask wearing, social distancing, frequent hand sanitizing, etc.

4. Eligibility criteria for students are:

a.    Must have met criteria for AUP Senior (and must have an Auxiliary member number)

b.   Must have favorable Unit Officer Endorsement

c.    Must have or be able to obtain appropriate uniform (ODU) with auxiliary insignia prior to start of internship.

d.   Students should typically be available for an approx. 4-6 week internship (see specific guidance on page 4 of the AUP Internship Guide).

e.   Link to AUP Internship Guide: Link

5. To apply, submit your application via the AUP website: Link

a.    Preferred locations: students must provide a preferred location and several back ups

b.    Virtual Internships: students should indicate if they are willing to pursue a virtual internship. Many units, especially CG HQ units and large field units, would greatly benefit from an AUP student working remotely who is willing to complete critical projects or research.

c.    Expenses: Students must understand that they are responsible for all "out-of-pocket" expenses, i.e. commutation costs and meals.  If there are berthing facilities at the station/unit, and there is availability, students can be offered overnight stays for no cost. Units with a galley can provide no-cost meals to students, but not all units have a galley.

6. Deadline: Applications for summer internships will be accepted until 05 April 2021.

7. Questions: Please contact the AUP Internship Coordinator Branch Assistant with questions:   Bill Iwanyk;

8. BC-SUP sends.

Ashly ThomasComment