The Program of Study document below supersedes this webpage except where otherwise noted. The information contained on this webpage is subject to change. Please refer to the Program of Study document for a comprehensive listing of requirements and the most current information.
Junior Status is granted immediately upon enrollment, valid not more than 12 months; students have a maximum of 12 months to achieve Senior Status (complete General Requirements) from the date they first enroll as an AUP Student. Enrollment requirements are:
Coast Guard Auxiliary enrollment application submitted; and
Enrolled full-time in an accredited undergraduate program at an American college, university, community college, or technical school; and
Meets all institutional requirements for participation in extracurricular activities; and
Favorable endorsement from student’s unit officer; and
AUP enrollment application submitted and reviewed for conformance with criteria.
Institutions must be accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency as recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. Waivers for full-time status will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Students have a maximum of 3 years to achieve Graduate Status (complete Academic Course, Leadership Capstone, and Operational Qualifications and Certifications) from the date they achieve Senior Status. Students may graduate before the expiration of the 3-year Senior status if all requirements are met. Extensions may be given on a case-by-case basis.
Students who complete all Program of Study requirements listed above will be permanently qualified as an Auxiliary University Program “Graduate.” Students who do not complete the Program of Study will be designated as "Incomplete."
Advance from Junior Status to Senior Status:
Complete all of:
AUP 101: Introduction to the Coast Guard Auxiliary
Complete Individual Development Plan (IDP) w/ unit mentor
Auxiliary Core Training (AUXCT)
Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery
Security Fundamentals
Privacy at DHS: Protecting Personal Information
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Civil Rights Awareness
Ethics 1 / Personal Gifts
Suicide Prevention
Basic Qualification Course II (BQC II)
History, Purpose and Administration of the USCG Auxiliary
Membership Requirements and Organizational Structure of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary
Member Training and Qualifications, Uniforms and Customs
Personnel Management and Auxiliarist Recognition and Awards
Auxiliary Regulation and Policy
Support, Basic Materials and Reimbursment
Courtesy and Protocols for Auxiliary Units and Auxiliarists
AUP 103: Introduction to Incident Management
Complete a safe boating course approved by the National Association of Safe Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA).
Overview of cybersecurity threats and best practices to keep information and information systems secure.
An annual requirement is established for Auxiliarists to undergo a uniform inspection by an elected officer in their Chain of Leadership and Management. An Auxiliarist may wear any uniform they are qualified to wear; Dinner Dress uniforms, Hot Weather Uniform versions, the Auxiliary jump suit, flight suit, or any organizational clothing are not authorized for the purpose of this annual inspection. Auxiliary ID card checks shall be part of the annual uniform inspection.
Advance from Senior Status to Graduate Status:
Complete at least 1 of:
AUP 201: Auxiliary Weather (AUXWEA)
This course is intended to train the Auxiliary weather specialist in the art of practical meteorology. The main focus will be on weather assessment for surface operations, but some attention will be paid to issues particular to air operations.
AUP 202: Auxiliary Seamanship (AUXSEA)
The Auxiliary Seamanship course is designed to present the Auxiliarist with a thorough knowledge of vessels and proficiency in their operation.
AUP 203: Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOM)
The Auxiliary Communications course focuses on radio communications for the Auxiliary and Coast Guard, providing broad knowledge of the fundamental principles underlying communications systems in use by both the Coast Guard and the Auxiliary.
AUP 204: Introduction to Marine Safety & Environmental Protection (IMSEP)
This course is designed to provide an extensive background in the history, policies, laws, and regulations pertaining to the Marine Safety and Environmental Protection missions.
AUP 205: Introduction to Public Affairs (PA)
This course provides an overview of the goals, objectives, and competencies of the professional Public Affairs Officer.
AUP 299: 200-Level Course Approved Substitution
Students may substitute a relevant course taken at their school for one of the above 200 level courses. Examples include Bridge Resource Management, Cyber Security, Maritime History, International Politics, Homeland Security, or other related courses approved by the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch. To be considered for an elective 200-level course, it must meet the following criteria. The course shall be:
Offered by a regionally or nationally accredited U.S. college or university; and
At least three credits or equivalent; and
Taken in-person or online; and
Completed with a letter grade of C or higher; and
Approved by the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch.
Students must submit the course syllabus and proof of completion (transcript) if already completed to the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch.
If the student has not taken the course yet, they should provide the syllabus for preapproval. Once the course is completed the student will then provide proof of completion by providing the transcript to the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch.
Note: Approval of a course may be utilized by multiple students for the same course offered at the same school for three years. The syllabus must be re-submitted for approval after three years.
Complete at least 1 of:
AUP 301: Leadership and Management
This course is satisfied by completion of either the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School (AUXLAMS) or the Leadership and Management School (LAMS) typically taught to active-duty and reserve Coast Guard personnel.
This is an on-the-job course facilitated by AUP. Additional information can be found in the AUP Internship Guide.
AUP 303: Independent Project
Students complete an independent project in support of Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary, Department of Homeland Security, or related needs. Proposal must be approved by the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch.
AUP 304: Homeland Security Seminar
Complete any two online self-study seminar courses from Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security.
AUP 305: Unit Leadership
Complete at least six months of service as a unit leader, deputy unit leader, unit operations leader, division leader, deputy division leader, or division operations leader. Leaders who are relieved of their duties due to unsatisfactory performance (per applicable Coast Guard policies) are not eligible to apply that experience towards this requirement.
AUP 399: 300-Level Approved Substitution
In addition to the 300-level courses listed above, students may complete courses taught outside of AUP in fulfillment of requirements. Students may request substitutions using the AUP 299 referenced earlier course substitution procedure to the Branch Chief, AUP Academic Affairs Branch (BC-SUA). The BC-SUA will assess the request on a case-by-case basis based on course content parity and rigor. Proof of completion of acceptable substitutes should be submitted to the AUP Students Services Branch. For graded courses, the student must earn a grade of C or better. Reference the Program of Study document for acceptable substitutes.
Complete at least 6 credits of:
2 credits:
Students can teach public education and member training courses with this qualification.
Recreational Boating Safety Program Visitor (PV)
Sharing information regarding water safety, students who complete the Program Visitor qualification can visit and provide resources to the local boating community on behalf of the Coast Guard.
Telecommunications Operator (TCO)
As the shoreside support for underway Auxiliary units, students who become telecommunications operator qualified can serve as the link between water, air, and land air assets.
Students will gain knowledge and examine vessels to protect and educate the boating public.
4 credits:
Aids to Navigation Verifier (AV)
Able to report and verify discrepancies to assist the Coast Guard Aids to Navigation Teams, Buoy Tenders, and Waterways Staff.
Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Specialist 1 (AUXCA1)
This qualification enables students to augment their local active-duty units with food service.
Auxiliary Leadership Competency Level 1 (LEAD1)
Leadership Competency Certification is the process by which a person proves that he or she has the knowledge, experience and skills to perform the tasks required of leadership.
Auxiliary Paddlecraft (AUXPAD) Operator
Students who complete the AUXPAD will become vital emissaries to those who canoe, kayak, and paddleboard regarding safety.
Radio Watchstander
This is a USCG qualification that can be earned while participating in an AUP internship. Tasked with monitoring the radio for signs of distress, maintaining communication with units, and assisting with planning operations, students who become radio watchstanders are primed to assist active-duty boat stations.
6 credits:
As the basic qualification of the Coast Guard Auxiliary aviation program, this enables students to assist in air operations, including providing situational awareness, search and rescue, and other missions.
Auxiliary Public Affairs Specialist 3 (AUXPA3)
This allows students to build experience writing for the media, conducting public appearances, taking photographs, and otherwise augmenting the active duty on behalf of the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary.
Students with a Crew qualification can serve underway on patrols aboard small boats.
This qualification can be completed through the process at the flotilla level.
Active Duty
This qualification can be completed through internships with active-duty small boat stations.
Cutter Officer of the Day (OOD)
This qualification enables students to augment active duty aboard small cutters. Students will gain an understanding of damage control, anti-terrorism/force protection, and management so that they can assist active-duty crews.
Cyber Workforce Certification
By completing a cyber workforce certification, students will gain a greater understanding of how to protect vital infrastructure that is being targeted by adversaries.
Incident Command System (ICS) Type 3 Unit Leader
Students can augment during incidents as situation unit leaders or resource leaders in the Incident Command System.
The Marine Safety Training Ribbon recognizes those who are working on qualifications and courses that directly apply to the prevention realm within the Coast Guard.
At least 200 activity hours logged in AUXDATA II since AUP enrollment date
Minimum 4-year bachelor’s degree granted by the institution at which student is enrolled
Graduate with Distinction Status:
Members enrolled in AUP may wish to prepare for competitive civilian hire or military selection boards (Officer Candidate School, MARGRAD, etc.). Members wishing to be recognized as a Graduate with Distinction must verify completion of additional tasks on their AUP Graduate PQS submission. Award of the Graduate with Distinction honor must coincide with graduation from college and from AUP, i.e., it is not possible to retroactively meet these requirements following the initial award of the AUP Graduate qualification. Members intending to graduate with distinction are required to fulfill the following requirements in addition to all items required to qualify as an AUP Graduate.
Complete all of:
Leadership Philosophy
This requirement is intended to reflect a student’s deliberate consideration of their leadership style. Students should write an essay expressing a clear, concise understanding of what makes a good leader and the studies and events that have influenced that belief. Students must complete a 2 page, double-spaced essay in 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins. The essay shall be reviewed and approved by the Unit Officer.
Coast Guard Issues Paper
This course is intended to demonstrate the student’s knowledge of the Coast Guard and ability to identify and research a topic that is significant to the Coast Guard. The topic may be an internal issue (e.g. Coast Guard budget process) or external (e.g. Coast Guard’s response to climate change). Students must complete a 10 page, double-spaced essay in 12-point Times New Roman font, 1” margins. The essay shall be reviewed and approved by the Unit Officer.
This is an on-the-job course facilitated by AUP. Additional information can be found in the AUP Internship Guide.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale (or equivalent)
The student must complete their degree as issued by their academic institution with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Leadership Evaluation Report
The student must receive an aggregate marking above 5.5 in the final two years in the program and receive no marks below a 4 in the final year.
Complete one of:
Physical Fitness
Meet or exceed Coast Guard Officer Candidate School (OCS) physical fitness and swim test requirements.
Additional 300-Level Course
Any student may substitute an additional 300-level course instead of Physical Fitness; however, any student pursuing an active-duty career is strongly encouraged to complete the PT requirements. Cannot double count for the above Internship requirement.